Why someone believe in God but not attend Church?

Belief in God is a personal and individual conviction, and people may express their faith and spirituality in different ways. Some individuals may find solace, guidance, and a sense of community by attending religious services and participating in religious rituals and practices within a church setting.

Others may prefer to cultivate their relationship with God through personal prayer, meditation, reading Bible.
The decision to attend church or not is a personal choice that depends on individual preferences, circumstances, and spiritual needs.


Some individuals may have had negative experiences with organized religion or may have different personal beliefs that don’t align with a specific religious institution. Others may prefer to practice their faith in different ways, such as through personal prayer, meditation, or engaging in acts of service.

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respect and support individuals in their choices and to foster understanding and dialogue rather than judgment. Ultimately, what matters most is the sincerity of one’s faith and the ways in which they seek to live out their beliefs in their daily lives.