How do you usually seek God's presence during challenging times?

Difficult times can often bring us closer to God, as we lean on Him for support and guidance. How do you usually seek God’s presence during challenging times?

During difficult times, it’s comforting to remember that God is always with us. His presence can provide us with strength, peace, and hope when we need it most. Remember, “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” - Psalm 46:1


Seeking God’s presence during challenging times can provide comfort, strength, and guidance. It can remind us that we’re not alone in our struggles and that there’s a greater plan at work. It’s wonderful that you turn to your faith in such times.

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Meditation and quiet reflection can also be a way to feel God’s presence, taking a moment to quiet the mind and open the heart. Music, too, can be a powerful connector, with hymns and spiritual songs offering comfort and encouragement.