How can I stop and avoid getting angry?

I easily get angry even if it’s just a small thing, which I’m worried about what happened to me, especially about something I don’t want and then they force me. My patience is limited.
How can I stop and avoid getting angry?


Rather than reacting with anger, communicate assertively and calmly about your feelings and needs. This can help you express yourself effectively and avoid unnecessary conflicts.

When you feel yourself getting angry, take a break from the situation. Remove yourself physically, take a few deep breaths, and try to calm down before you react.

When you need to express your anger, do so in a calm and assertive manner. Avoid aggressive or passive-aggressive communication, as this can escalate the situation.

When you feel yourself getting angry, take deep breaths and try to calm down. Count to ten before responding, and try to respond calmly and rationally.