Why women are forbidden by God to lead and preach

Churches with women pastors and preachers violate the command of God when they do not obey and listen to the laws and as such go their own way for different motives . They want to establish their own doctrine in their church -John7:17 and therefore, they are not of God because those who hear the word of God are of God and those that are not don’t listen to God’s word. -John 8:47.
The bible tells us that women are not allowed to lead the church nor preach in the congregation simply because they will lead the church to destruction as cited in Isaiah 3:12 which says, Youths oppress my people, women rule over them. My people, your guides lead you astray; they turn you from the path. Likewise, it is also affirmed 1 Timothy 2:11-12 which say,A woman[ [a] should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man;[ [b]she must be quiet.’
But women can assist in the church like preparing the facilities for the services, preparing food, administering office works, supplies and other related tasks. However, in the church , God has placed the following tasks for the members as cited in 1 Corinthians 12:28 which says, ‘And God has placed in the church first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, of helping, of guidance, and of different kinds of tongues.”
However, the above-mentioned tasks can be performed by all members of the church but each according to his capacity or gift given to him by God. Unlike in churches founded by men many are occupying the same position which is not biblical, that’s why in the bible it is asked of the church if all are apostles? of course, not. Are all prophets?, No, are all teachers? No, Do all work miracles? No, Do all have gifts of healing? No.
To affirm these claims it is cited 1Corinthians 12: 29-30, which say, Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? 30 Do all have gifts of healing? Do all speak in tongues[ a] ? Do all interpret?”


what matters most is how we love and serve one another, following the teachings of Jesus to love God and love our neighbors as ourselves (Matthew 22:37-39). Regardless of our roles or positions, we are all called to use our gifts and talents to glorify God and contribute to the building of His kingdom.

If you feel a calling to lead or preach, know that God can and will use you to make a difference. Seek His guidance, study His Word, and allow His Spirit to work through you. Embrace the gifts and abilities He has given you, and use them to bring glory to Him and to bless others.

Preaching is not that easy that when you just feel like preaching you can preach. It’s a big mistake. What if in the midst you feel like leaving or quitting your preaching coz you’ve found a new opportunity to try? It’s messy for one to do that. It’s not a calling but a gift given to the one who is tasked to preach. As Christians are committed to fulfill the works they are tasked to preach to the world as said in 2 Tim 4:2. Likewise, when you preach be sure that every statement and event you cite are associated and verified by bible verses, otherwise, it will appear your just deceiving your audience. Do not be like those Pharisees talking a loud but baseless waiting to be admired and praised and then waiting for monetary gain. It will appear your motive is financial gain.