what happens when the holy spirit comes upon you ?

I really saw the Holy Spirit or holy Ghost with my own eyes. What does that mean?

The question is why the Holy Spirit appeared to me, He didn’t give me a voice i.e. He didn’t speak and the Holy Spirit only showed me His own form.What I don’t know.and Holy Spirit showed me only this form. Nothing else and Holy Spirit wants to tell me more. He wants to say that I am with you, Siddhi don’t be afraid.

When I had to go to the hospital.then

That is to say I was in car I saw him in left side of wing mirror of car. I saw the Holy Spirit flying as a golden dove.(in spiritual)
I was horrified to see the Holy Spirit

I have cerebral palsy since birth And I can’t walk.
so I am sad (depression) because the Holy Spirit appeared to me.