Vacations are always Fun

Vacation is one word that instantly brings a smile to my face. I Have one aunt and two uncles, Who have two kids each. Two of them are my age, and I particularly look forward to their visits to our house. We share various common interests, so we have a lot of fun together. Their presence in the house also means that we got a variety of foods. I wish I could bring those memories again, but since we are all adults now, we don’t have enough for a family gathering. So I am planning to have a family vacation this coming summer. This time, we are the ones to visit them.
I am looking forward to this summer.


Having a vacation with my family is my most unforgettable memory. It brings us closer together.

Having joy with our family is another remarkable thing in our life. I have wished to be with my family since I started working after graduation, but I don’t have time to visit family. Hoping I can see them this coming summer.coming summer.