Trust God's right time and His plan

I would like you to listen this video, this video help us to trust God more and wait for His time.

We all want good things in our lives, sometimes when we are anxious we question God why He doesn’t want us to have a good life despite we encounter suffering.
God has a reason for that, a reason to trust Him and His plan for us.
Remember that what you prayed for God will answer at the right time.
He will give you what is best for your lives, just wait for His right time.


Trusting God’s timing and His plan for our lives is an important aspect of our faith. It can be challenging to wait for God’s timing, especially when we are going through difficult circumstances or we are waiting for answers to our prayers. However, God’s timing is always perfect, and His plan for our lives is good.

In the Bible, we are reminded that God’s ways are higher than our ways, and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9). This means that we may not always understand God’s plan or His timing, but we can trust that He knows what is best for us.

We can find comfort in knowing that God is always working behind the scenes, even when we cannot see it. He is faithful and He will never leave us or forsake us. We can trust in His love and grace to guide us through every moment of our lives.

Trusting in God’s timing and plan can be a challenging but ultimately rewarding aspect of the Christian faith. By putting our faith in Him, we can have confidence that He is guiding us in the right direction and working all things together for our good.

trusting in God’s timing and plan means having faith that everything is happening for a reason and that ultimately, it will lead to our highest good. It requires taking action towards our goals while also being open to changes in direction, and having peace of mind that everything is happening according to God’s perfect timing