Thank you, Lord God, for the love, grace, and mercy you gave us

I don’t ask for too much, but I’m amazed because of the little things I pray God give too much that I didn’t expect.
Thank you, Lord, for the overflowing grace you gave us, even though we didn’t ask for it, you are so good, Lord.
Even though we know that we don’t deserve all of this.

Thank you, Lord God, for the love, grace, and mercy you gave us.


I thank you, Lord, for your boundless love that embraces me, for your grace that covers me, and for your mercy that forgives me. I am humbled by your blessings and grateful for the many ways you have shown me your love.

Thank you, Lord, for your immeasurable love, unending grace, and boundless mercy.
Help me to walk in your ways, to reflect your love and grace in my interactions with others, and to be a vessel of your mercy in the world. May I always be mindful of your presence in my life and strive to live in alignment with your will.