Surrender to God everything

I would like to share that I came to the point in my life where I wanted to give up my job because of what was happening in my life but I continued to pray to the Lord and asked him if it was the right thing to do, He told me that I would leave everything to him, I would entrust him with everything that was happening, thank God and he guided me in my decision. Praise God Hallelujah :pray:


Nothing is impossible when we surrender to God whatever difficulties we are facing right now.
Remember that whatever or wherever you are right now God is with you, to guide and help you through that hardship.


Dear God,

I come before you with an open heart, ready to surrender everything to you. I acknowledge that you are the source of all wisdom, strength, and guidance, and I trust in your divine plan for my life.

I surrender to you my worries, fears, and anxieties. I lay before you my burdens, challenges, and uncertainties. I release to you my desires, dreams, and ambitions. I let go of my need to control, and I trust in your infinite wisdom and perfect timing. Amen.


I surrender to you my past, with all its mistakes, regrets, and disappointments. I let go of any resentments, grudges, or unforgiveness. I ask for your healing and grace to cleanse and renew my heart.

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Thank you, Lord, for your faithfulness and presence in my life. I surrender everything to you, knowing that you are my rock, my refuge, and my loving Father.

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