Prayer for the Guidance

Hi, I am Henry Marianne, I am old enough, but I felt something was wrong with me. I couldn’t understand how carefree and joyful me. Started vanishing. I kept crying at night before going to bed for no reason; I felt empty deep inside. I always felt worried about the small things. I am scared, and I don’t know what to do. Sometimes I felt like I am giving up.
Please pray that God guides me in the right direction and fills me with His Holy Spirit. And help me to fight the battle that I am facing right now.
Thank You so much!

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Proverbs 11:14

“Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety”

-Seek God First for everything you do. I am praying that may God will guide you and give his light for your right path. And help you to face the battles in your life. Always believe and Trust God. Nothing is impossible for Him.