Prayer for protection for everyone

Pray for protection from harm and danger, both physical and spiritual. Protect us from illness, accidents, and all forms of harm that may come our way. Shield us from the attacks of the enemy and guard us against temptation.

Pray for protection over our families, our homes, and our communities. Keep us safe from all forms of evil and guide in making wise and discerning choices.

Pray for protection for our minds and hearts, that we may be guarded against negative thoughts, worries, and anxieties. Help us to focus on your promises and trust in your unfailing love and care for us.
We pray for your divine wisdom and discernment in all areas of our lives. Guide us in making wise decisions and following the path that you have set before us.
We ask all these things in Jesus Name. We pray. Amen.


I pray for your protection over all people, both near and far. In a world that can be filled with dangers, uncertainties, and fears, I pray that you would surround each person with your love and protection. In Jesus Name. I pray. Amen.


Lord, please watch over those who are vulnerable and in need of your care. Protect children from harm, shelter the homeless, and comfort the sick and suffering. Provide for those who are struggling financially, and give them the strength to persevere.

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I also pray for those who are traveling or in harm’s way. Keep them safe from harm and bring them safely to their destinations.

Lord, I ask that you would be a shield around all of us, protecting us from the evil one and his schemes. Help us to trust in your protection and to walk in your ways.

Thank you for your faithfulness and love. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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