Lord, I acknowledge that there are many choices and decisions that lie before me. In the face of uncertainty, I ask for Your wisdom to illuminate the path ahead. Grant me clarity of thought and discernment as I navigate through the options before me.
Please help me to see beyond the immediate circumstances and consider the long-term consequences of my decisions. Guide me in making choices that align with Your will and bring glory to Your name.
In moments of confusion or doubt, quiet my mind and open my heart to hear Your still, small voice. Speak to me through Your Holy Spirit, offering wisdom, insight, and revelation.
I surrender my own desires and preferences to You, recognizing that Your plans are higher and more perfect than my own. Help me to be humble and willing to accept Your direction, even if it may differ from my initial thoughts.
Grant me the courage to step out in faith, trusting in Your guidance, even when the path ahead seems uncertain. Help me to rely not on my own understanding but on Your wisdom, knowing that You will make my paths straight.
Thank You, Lord, for the promise that when we lack wisdom, we can ask of You, and You will generously give it to us. I receive Your wisdom with gratitude and commit to follow it with obedience. Amen.