Pray for my brother's strength and healing

My brother had an accident last year that cause him to have a bone fracture in his left foot. And now he is suffering the pain. My heart hurt seeing him in pain.
Pray for my brother that God gives him the strength to ease the pain and also heal his broken bones. I know nothing is impossible with the divine power of God.

  • May the Lord will provide him a healing power and strengthen his mind, heart, and body, and heal him. May the Holy Spirit guide him in peace and comfort. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Jeremiah 33:6 - Behold, I will bring to it health and healing, and I will heal them and reveal to them abundance of prosperity and security.

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may the Lord will give him the strength that he needs and also give him the healing power. May the Lord will guide him and bless him with abundant life and also, guide him to become God’s follower.

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Don’t lose hope everything will be alright with your brother, Believe and Trust God because God is our divine healer.
I will pray for your brother’s speedy recovery. May the Lord will give him a healing power. Also, give him the strength that I need.

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I will include this in my prayer, May the will provide him with the strength to ease the pain he’s feeling right now, I know the feeling of having some bone fracture because I also had an accident before. But I already healed.
May the Lord will provide him with healing power for his speedy recovery.

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I am praying for your brother’s speedy, may the Lord will provide him with healing power and also give him the strength that he needs to ease every pain that he felt.
Always believe and Trust God, because He is our divine healer, and also nothing is impossible with our God’s power.

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I pray for his speedy recovery may the Lord will give him healing power for his speedy recovery and also provide him with strength, Trust, and faith in God for God nothing is impossible with our God. May everything will be alright soon. May the will comfort and embrace you during this journey of his healing.

James 5:15 - And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven

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@ everyone thank you so much for all your prayers, My brother he is recovering so fast.
I do believe the power of prayers.