Praise God๐Ÿ™ the Lord is truly very faithful

Praise God :pray: the Lord is truly very faithful.
Last week I was in the hospital, and my doctor told me I need to admit to the hospital for 3 days because of my UTI surprisingly I was not afraid knowing that I was going to be operated on, the first thing I thought was I have my God with me.

I even surrender my life to Him at the time, saying to Him, Lord you are in charge of my life your will be done.
Praise God, Iโ€™m in my recovery now :pray:
Thank you, Lord God, I feel your presence in this challenging time of my life.
I love you and I worship you all my life. In Jesus Name. I pray. Amen.


Amen! Thatโ€™s an answered prayer. I will pray for your full recovery.
May God will give you the strength that you need and bless you with good health.