Obey God and every good things in life will follow

Proverbs 19:16 “He who obeys instructions guards his life, but he who is contemptuous of his ways will die.”

Following the teachings and principles of your faith can bring about positive changes in you life.
It helps you cultivate virtues such as kindness, compassion, and gratitude, which can lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful life. When we live in alignment with our values and strive to do good, we often attract positivity and blessings into our lives.
It’s important to remember that everyone’s journey is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another.
However, embracing goodness and living according to your beliefs can certainly bring about positive outcomes.


choose to obey God and trust in His guidance. As we do, we can have faith that every good thing that comes our way is a result of His abundant love and faithfulness. Obeying God leads to a life filled with His blessings and the fulfillment of His promises.

Trust in His plan for your life, even when it may be different from what you initially expected. As you align your life with His will, you will experience the abundant blessings and goodness that come from walking in obedience to Him. Trust in His faithfulness, and let His goodness unfold in your life.