Nothing is impossible to the person who believes that everything is possible

Nothing is impossible to the person who believes that everything is possible.
If they can, so you can also do it. You have nothing to lose if you try.
Keep on trying even how many times you failed, remember that for everything you want in this life God will give it to you at the right time.

Keep believing God’s promises that He gave to us.
I know He fulfills all the promises He made to us.

Success is not sweet without suffering.


When we believe in God with all our hearts, He will do all things that we cannot do.
Because with the divine power of the Lord, nothing is impossible.
He can do all things. We should trust God with all hearts.

You know what, sometimes when there are many problems in my life, I can’t help but blame our Lord God, because I wonder why I or my family have experienced this.
I know that I was doing wrong if I blamed our Lord God because everything that happened in my life will leave a lesson that I will carry for the rest of my life.

Our Lord God can do everything as long as we trust him with all our hearts.
Our life is meaningless right if not because of our Almighty God