Lord, we will not give up

Lord, thank you for the new morning, thank you for the people who have been part of my life in the good and the bad, especially my whole family Lord, you know what is good for us.

Lord, we will not give up. You are the strength of everyone in the family. We will not give up because you are with us. We will believe in you, my Lord. Guide us, strengthen our hearts. We know that with your help, Lord, everything will be okay :pray::pray::pray: In Jesus’s name. Amen.

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Keep praying and working towards your goals, and don’t be discouraged by setbacks or failures. Each obstacle you face can be an opportunity for growth and learning, and with God’s help, you can persevere through anything.

Hi reyes.hope well.god is in control and will work everything out for you.keep trusting him.roms 8v28.he will guide you and direct you.psl 32v8.isaiah 48v17.also supply your needs.phils 4v19.ashe has aplan for you and it’s agoodone.jeremiah 29v11.we know nothing is impossible with God.luke1v37.gbless.alan