Keep your focus on the hope and promise of the Lord

Romans 8:18
“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.”

It encourages us to keep our focus on the hope and promise of the future, even in the midst of difficulties.
No matter what we may be going through, we can find strength and perseverance knowing that the ultimate reward far outweighs our present sufferings.
So, let us hold onto this truth and find comfort in the assurance that God’s glory will be revealed in us.


Let us fix our gaze on the hope and promise of the Lord. Let His truth anchor our souls and bring us comfort and confidence in every season of life.
May we find hope and strength in Him, knowing that He is faithful to fulfill His promises in our lives.

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May we find strength and encouragement in His presence, and may His promises guide us through every season of life. With our eyes fixed on Him, we can navigate through challenges with unwavering faith and experience the abundant life He has in store for us.