Judge with right judgment

John 7:24
“Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.”

It encourages us to seek understanding and consider all relevant factors before passing judgment on others. Instead of making hasty or superficial judgments, we are called to exercise discernment and make judgments that are rooted in righteousness and truth.

In a world where snap judgement and quick assumptions can often prevail, this verse reminds us to approach others with empathy, understanding, and a desire for fairness. It reminds us to evaluate situations and people with a discerning heart, seeking to understand the truth and the full context before making any judgments.


That’s a wise reminder!
It’s also important to remember that we are not the ultimate judge of others; that role belongs to God. So, let’s strive to judge with right judgment, seeking understanding and extending grace to others.


Absolutely! It is important to judge with right judgment, meaning to make fair and unbiased assessments based on truth, wisdom, and discernment.

Let your judgments reflect the values of compassion, justice, and truth. By doing so, you can make a positive impact in the lives of others and contribute to a more harmonious society.