I feel so tired today, all I want is to sleep all day

I feel so tired today, all I want is to sleep all day.
I don’t know what’s going on with me.
I feel weak spiritually and physically.
What should I do?

This started when I heard an unpleasant word from my colleague.
Although sometimes I didn’t care about them my heart hurts when I heard them talking behind my back.
Well, I am a human I had feelings, and that’s why I can’t avoid getting hurt by their words.


Do some workouts, it will help you to make your body get energized.
And don’t let those negative words that you heard drag you down.
Keep on doing good as long as you don’t step on anyone.

Let them be, you won’t get anything if you keep listening to their word.
Keep going and keep looking on the brighter side.

Keep doing what is right @jahdai_lawanda And don’t let them ruin your day.
There are a lot of things that we need to celebrate.
Let God be the one to give you some justice.

Be courageous don’t let those negative people ruined your mood.
Always remember that when you have faith in God, we can move mountains.

“No matter what you’re going through, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.” — Demi Lovato