I became a disciple of God after I graduated from college

I have repeatedly failed as a child of God. As a high school girl, it is very difficult to be consistent. My family’s beliefs are opposite to mine and they are spiritually blind. Most of my friends are also not a follower of Christ. Even, though I am not worthy to be called a child of God because in my heart I still do not fully accept Jesus.

But after I decided to change myself, I decided to return to God when I was in first-year college because I can’t understand what is my purpose in this world.
I attended church services and asked God for forgiveness and accepted Him wholeheartedly.
Everything had a meaning and God lead me to the right path to His plan for me.
I became a disciple of God after I graduated from college.


Amen! Keep serving God and follow His commandments.
I am happy for you that you found God in your life.
God bless you!

Keep on serving God and spread His word to people who lose their souls.