How to trust God in all things

Trusting God often requires patience, as His timing and plans may not align with our own. Be patient and wait for His perfect timing, even if it doesn’t match your desired timeline.

Seek wisdom and discernment in decision-making by seeking God’s guidance through prayer and seeking counsel from trusted mentors or spiritual leaders. Trust that He will provide guidance and clarity when you earnestly seek Him.

Trusting God involves embracing uncertainty and acknowledging that His ways are higher than ours. Embrace the unknown with faith and confidence in His sovereignty, even when things don’t make sense or when challenges arise.

Seek to understand His character, His promises, and His faithfulness throughout history. The more you know and experience God, the easier it becomes to trust Him.
Be patient and kind to yourself, and remember that God’s love and faithfulness are constant, even in the midst of uncertainties.


Seek to know Him better through studying His Word and seeking His presence in your life. The more you know God and His character, the easier it becomes to trust Him.
Practice surrendering your worries, fears, and expectations to Him, and allow Him to guide your path.


Trust that He has a perfect plan for your life and that His ways are better than your own. Seek His guidance through prayer, seeking wise counsel, and discerning His voice through His Word and the promptings of the Holy Spirit.


Trusting God means choosing faith over fear. When doubts and fears arise, intentionally replace them with thoughts of faith and trust. Meditate on verses that remind you of God’s faithfulness and His promises. Choose to believe that He is with you, cares for you, and is working for your good in all things.


Be patient with yourself and lean on God’s grace as you navigate this journey of trust. With time, practice, and a willing heart, your trust in God will grow, bringing peace, assurance, and a deepening relationship with Him.


good afternoon Aniya
there is an incredible free resource for download or listen to entire audiobook about trusting God - it’s amazing and hopefully you can find time to listen / read
here is a link to the webpage that has all the information
trustme (
hope all is well and that you are encouraged - benji

The frist 2 sentences of this post really spoke to my heart.

Thank you!