Help me to pray that God give me more and more blessings

Lord, I humbly ask for your continued blessings in my life. Please grant me more and more blessings according to your will and purpose for me. Bless me with good health, wisdom, and discernment in making decisions. Bless me with opportunities for growth, success, and prosperity. Bless my relationships with love, harmony, and joy. Bless my endeavors with favor and success.

Lord, I trust in your divine timing and plan for my life, and I surrender my desires to you. May your blessings overflow in my life, and may I be a blessing to others as well. I commit to using your blessings for your glory and the greater good. Thank you, God, for your faithfulness and generosity.
In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.


I pray for an abundance of blessings in your life, not only for your own benefit, but also so that I may be able to bless others and make a positive impact in the world. Help you to always be grateful for your blessings and to use them in ways that honor and glorify you.

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I thank you, Lord, for your unwavering love, grace, and generosity. I trust in your perfect timing and provision, and I submit my prayers to your will. May your blessings continue to flow in my life according to your plan and purpose.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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