God's plans are not just good, they are the BEST!

Psalm 33:11
The plans of the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes of His heart through all generations.

God’s plan are indeed the best. They may not always align with our own, but they always lead us to where we need to be. It’s all about having faith and trust in His wisdom. Remember, every experience, whether it’s a challenge or a joy, is part of a bigger plan. So, keep your spirits high and continue to believe in His plans.


Absolutely, Marianne! Believing that God’s plans are not just good, but the best for us, can bring a lot of comfort and hope. It’s a reminder that even when things don’t go as we expect, there’s a bigger, better plan at work.

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Believing that God’s plans are not just good, but the best, can bring a lot of hope and comfort. It’s like knowing that the best is yet to come, no matter what.