God help me to know my purpose

I was still young when I learned to earn a living to help my parents. Because I have ten siblings, my father’s and mother’s income is not enough for our daily expenses.

Upon arriving at college, I became a working student to support my studies. After working in a Christian organization, I met God.
Working in a Christian Organization help me a lot to grow my faith.
I learned to get closer to God and know my purpose in this world.

Spreading His word and encouraging people around the world through social media is my purpose in this world.


Take time to reflect on your passions, interests, and values. Ask yourself what brings you joy, fulfillment, and a sense of meaning. Consider your strengths, talents, and the activities that make you lose track of time. Reflecting on these aspects can provide insights into your purpose.


Try new hobbies, learn new skills, or volunteer for different causes. Exposing yourself to different domains can help you discover new passions or connect with existing ones more deeply.


finding your purpose is an ongoing process. It may evolve and change over time as you grow and gain new experiences. Be patient with yourself, embrace the journey, and trust that with introspection and exploration, you will gradually uncover your unique purpose.


May God grant you clarity and wisdom as you seek to know your purpose. May He guide you and empower you to live a life that is aligned with His will. May you find fulfillment and joy in pursuing the purpose for which you were created.

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Remember, discovering your purpose is often a journey. Be patient and trust in God’s timing. He will reveal His plans for your life as you seek Him, trust Him, and walk in obedience to His Word.